General terms and conditions


These Terms and Conditions ("Terms and Conditions") of OneCrown s.r.o., with its registered office at Nádražní 183, 41002 Chotěšov, ID No. 19337949, Tax ID CZ19337949, registered in the Commercial Register under file no. C 50517 kept at the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem, e-mail, telephone number 211 221 949, address of the establishment Nádražní 183, 41002 Chotěšov ("We" or "Seller") are regulated in accordance with the provisions of Section 1751 par. 1 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended (the "Civil Code"), the mutual rights and obligations of You, as the buyer, and Us, as the seller, arising in connection with or on the basis of the purchase contract ("Contract") concluded through the E-shop on the website.

All information on the processing of your personal data is contained in the Principles of Personal Data Processing, which can be found here

The provisions of these Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the Agreement. The Contract and the Terms and Conditions are drawn up in the Czech language. We may unilaterally change or amend the wording of the Terms and Conditions. This provision is without prejudice to the rights and obligations arising during the period of effectiveness of the previous version of the Terms and Conditions.

As you know, we communicate primarily remotely. Therefore, our Contract also applies to the use of means of distance communication, which allow us to come to an agreement without the simultaneous physical presence of Us and You, and the Contract is thus concluded remotely in the E-shop environment, through the website interface ("E-shop web interface").

If any part of the Terms and Conditions contradicts what we have jointly agreed to as part of the process of your purchase on Our E-shop, that particular agreement will take precedence over the Terms.

    • Price means the amount of money you will pay for the Goods;
    • Shipping Cost is the amount of money you will pay for the delivery of the Goods, including the cost of packaging;
    • The total price is the sum of the Price and the Shipping Price;
    • VAT is a value added tax according to the applicable legal regulations;
    • An invoice is a tax document issued in accordance with the Value Added Tax Act for the Total Price;
    • An Order is Your binding proposal to enter into a Contract for the Purchase of Goods with Us;
    • User Account is an account set up on the basis of the data provided by you, which enables the storage of entered data and the storage of the history of ordered Goods and concluded Contracts;
    • You are the person shopping on Our E-shop, referred to by legal regulations as the buyer;
    • Goods are all you can buy on the E-shop.
    • The purchase of the Goods is only possible through the web interface of the E-shop.
    • When purchasing Goods, It is Your responsibility to provide Us with all information correctly and truthfully. Therefore, we will consider the information You have provided to Us in the Order to be correct and true.
    • On our E-shop, we also provide access to evaluations of Goods made by other consumers. We ensure and check the authenticity of such reviews by linking ratings to specific orders, so we can see a linked order ID for each review in the internal system, so we are able to verify and prove that the review comes from a real consumer.
    • A contract with Us may only be concluded in Czech and English.
    • The contract is concluded remotely through the E-shop, while the costs of using the means of communication at a distance are covered by you. However, these costs do not differ in any way from the basic rate You pay for the use of these funds (i.e. in particular for access to the Internet), so You do not expect any additional costs charged by Us beyond the Full Price. By submitting your Order, you agree that we use the means of remote communication.
    • In order for us to conclude the Contract, you need to create an Order on the E-shop. The following information must be included in this proposal:
      1. Information about the purchased Goods (in the E-shop, you mark the Goods you are interested in purchasing by clicking on the "ADD TO CART" button);
      2. Information about the Price, the Shipping Price, the method of payment of the Total Price and the required method of delivery of the Goods; this information will be entered as part of the creation of the Order within the user interface of the E-shop, while the information about the Price, the Shipping Price and the Total Price will be provided automatically on the basis of the Goods purchased by you, the method of their delivery and payment;
      3. Your identification and contact data used to deliver the Goods, in particular your name, surname, delivery address, telephone number and e-mail address.
    • In the course of creating an Order, the Order may change and control the data until its completion. After performing the check by clicking on the "Order with payment obligation" button , you will complete the Order. However, before pressing the button, you must confirm your familiarization and agreement with these Terms and Conditions, otherwise it will not be possible to complete the Order. A checkbox is used to confirm and agree. After clicking on the "Order with payment obligation" button,  all completed information will be sent directly to Us.
    • We will confirm Your Order to You as soon as reasonably practicable after it has been delivered to Us by sending a message to Your e-mail address specified in the Order. The confirmation will include a summary of the Order and these Terms and Conditions in the form of an attachment to an e-mail message. The Terms and Conditions in the version effective on the date of the Order, i.e. in the wording attached as an attachment to the confirmation e-mail message, form an integral part of the Agreement. By confirming the Order, the Contract between Us and You is concluded.
    • There may also be cases where we are unable to confirm your Order. This is especially the case when the Goods are not available or when you order a larger number of Goods than we allow. However, we will always provide you with information about the maximum number of Goods in advance within the E-shop and should therefore not be surprising for you. In the event that there is any reason for which we cannot confirm the Order, we will contact you and send you an offer to conclude the Agreement in a modified form compared to the Order. In such a case, the contract is concluded at the moment when You confirm Our offer.
    • In the event that an obviously erroneous Price is stated in the E-shop or in the Order, we are not obliged to deliver the Goods to you at this Price, even if you have received a confirmation of the Order and therefore the Contract has been concluded. In such a situation, we will contact you immediately and send you an offer to conclude a new Agreement in an amended form compared to the Order. In such a case, the new Contract is concluded at the moment when You confirm Our offer. An obvious error in the Price is considered to be, for example, a situation where the Price does not correspond to the usual price of other sellers or a figure is missing or excessive.
    • In the event that the Contract is concluded, you are obliged to pay the Full Price.
    • If you have a User Account, you can place an Order through it. Even in this case, however, you are obliged to check the correctness, truthfulness and completeness of the pre-filled data. However, the method of creating an Order is the same as in the case of a buyer without a User Account, but the advantage is that it is not necessary to repeatedly fill in your identification data.
    • In some cases, we allow you to use a discount on the purchase of Goods. To provide a discount, you need to fill in the information about this discount in a predetermined field as part of the Draft Order. If you do so, the Goods will be provided to you at a discount.
    • Based on your registration in the E-shop, you can access your User Account.
    • When registering a User Account, you are obliged to provide correct and truthful information and to update it in the event of a change.
    • Access to the User Account is secured by a username and password. It is your duty to maintain confidentiality and not to provide this data to anyone. We do not take any responsibility in the event that they are misused.
    • The user account is personal and you are not entitled to allow third parties to use it.
    • We may terminate your User Account, especially if you do not use it for more than 1 year, or if you breach your obligations under the Agreement.
    • The user account may not be available all the time, especially with regard to the necessary maintenance of hardware and software.
    • The price is always stated in the E-shop, in the draft Order and, of course, in the Contract. In the event of a discrepancy between the Price stated for the Goods in the E-shop and the Price stated in the draft Order, the Price specified in the draft Order shall be applied, which will always be identical to the price in the Contract. As part of the draft Order, the Shipping Price is also stated, or the conditions when shipping is free.
    • The total price includes VAT, including all fees stipulated by law.
    • We will require you to pay the Full Price after the conclusion of the Contract and before handing over the Goods. You can pay the Total Price in the following ways:
      1. Bank transfer. We will send you the information for making the payment as part of the Order confirmation. In the case of payment by bank transfer, the Total Price is payable within 10 days.
    • The invoice will be issued in electronic form after payment of the Total Price and will be sent to your e-mail address.
    • Title to the Goods is transferred to you only after you have paid the Full Price and taken possession of the Goods. In the case of payment by bank transfer, the Total Price is paid by crediting to Our account, in other cases it is paid at the time of payment.
    • The goods will be delivered to you within 30 days in the manner of your choice, and you can choose from the followingoptions:
      1. Personal pick-up at Zásilkovna's pick-up points;
      2. Delivery via Packeta transport companies;
    • The goods can only be delivered within the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
    • The delivery time of the Goods always depends on their availability and on the chosen delivery and payment method. The estimated delivery time of the Goods will be communicated to you in the Order confirmation. The time specified in these Terms and Conditions is only indicative and may differ from the actual delivery time. In the case of personal collection at the establishment, we will always inform you about the possibility of picking up the Goods via e-mail.
    • After receiving the Goods from the carrier, you are obliged to check the integrity of the packaging of the Goods and, in case of any defects, to immediately notify the carrier and Us. In the event that there is a defect in the packaging that indicates unauthorized manipulation and entry into the shipment, you are not obliged to take over the Goods from the carrier.
    • In the event that you breach your obligation to take delivery of the Goods, with the exception of the cases referred to in Art. 4It does not result in a breach of Our obligation to deliver the Goods to You. At the same time, the fact that You do not accept the Goods does not constitute a withdrawal from the Contract between Us and You. However, in such a case, we have the right to withdraw from the Contract due to your material breach of the Contract, or to store the Goods, for which we are entitled to a consideration from you in the amount of 500CZK. If we decide to withdraw from the Contract, the withdrawal is effective on the day we deliver the withdrawal to you. Withdrawal from the Contract does not affect the right to payment of the Shipping Price or the right to compensation for damages, if any.
    • If, for reasons arising on Your side, the Goods are delivered repeatedly or in a manner other than agreed in the Contract, You are obliged to reimburse Us for the costs associated with such repeated delivery. Payment details for the payment of these costs will be sent to your e-mail address specified in the Contract and are payable 14 days after receipt of the e-mail.
    • The risk of damage to the Goods passes to you as soon as you take possession of them. In the event that you do not accept the Goods, except in the cases pursuant to Art. 4 Terms and Conditions, the risk of damage to the Goods passes to you at the moment when you had the opportunity to take possession of them, but for reasons on your side, the takeover did not take place. The transfer of the risk of damage to the Goods means to you that from that moment onwards you bear all the consequences associated with the loss, destruction, damage or any deterioration of the Goods.
    • In the event that the Goods have not been listed as in stock in the E-shop and an approximate time of availability has been indicated, we will always inform you in the event of:
      1. an extraordinary outage in the production of the Goods, whereby we will always inform you of the new expected time of availability or information that it will not be possible to deliver the Goods;
      2. Delay in the delivery of the Goods from Our supplier, while We will always inform You of the new expected delivery time.
    • We guarantee that at the time of the transfer of the risk of damage to the Goods pursuant to Art. 7 According to the Terms and Conditions, the Goods are free from defects, in particular that the Goods:
      1. corresponds to the agreed description, type and quantity, as well as quality, functionality, compatibility, interoperability and other agreed characteristics;
      2. it is suitable for the purpose for which you request it and to which we agree;
      3. is supplied with agreed accessories and instructions for use, including assembly or installation instructions;
      4. is suitable for the purpose for which Goods of this kind are usually used;
      5. quantity, quality and other characteristics, including durability, functionality, compatibility and safety, correspond to the usual characteristics of the Goods of the same type that you can reasonably expect, including with regard to public statements made by us or by another person in the same contractual chain, in particular by advertising or labelling;
      6. it comes with accessories, including packaging, assembly instructions and other instructions for use that you can reasonably expect; and
      7. corresponds to the quality or performance of the sample or template provided to you prior to the conclusion of the contract.
    • The rights and obligations regarding the rights arising from defective performance are governed by the relevant generally binding legal regulations (in particular the provisions of Sections 2099 to 2117 and 2161 to 2174b of the Civil Code and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended).
    • In the event that the Goods are defective, i.e. in particular if any of the conditions under Art. 1, you can report such a defect to Us and exercise your rights arising from defective performance (i.e. make a complaint about the Goods) by sending an e-mail or letter to Our addresses listed in Our identification data, or in person at Nádražní 183, 41002 Chotěšov. You can also use the sample form provided by Us to file a complaint, which forms Annex No. 1 Conditions. When exercising the right from defective performance, it is necessary to choose how you want to resolve the defect, and you cannot change this choice without Our consent. We will handle the complaint in accordance with your exercise of your right to defective performance.
    • If the Goods are defective, you have the following rights:
      1. to remedy the defect by delivery of new Goods without defects, or by delivery of a missing part of the Goods; or
      2. to remedy the defect by repairing the Goods,

unless the method chosen to remedy the defect is impossible or prohibitively expensive compared to the other method, which shall be assessed, in particular, with regard to the significance of the defect, the value which the Goods would have had in the absence of the defect and whether the defect can be remedied by the second method without significant inconvenience to you.

  • We are entitled to refuse to remedy a defect if this is impossible or prohibitively expensive, especially with regard to the significance of the defect and the value that the Goods would have had without the defect.
  • You also have the right to:
    1. a reasonable discount on the Price; or
    2. withdrawal from the Contract,


  1. we refuse to remedy the defect or fail to remedy it in accordance with the law;
  2. the defect manifests itself repeatedly,
  3. the defect constitutes a material breach of the Agreement; or
  4. it is evident from our statement or from the circumstances that the defect will not be remedied within a reasonable time or without significant inconvenience to you.
  • The right to withdraw from the Contract does not apply if the defect of the Goods is insignificant.
  • In the event that you caused the defect in the Goods yourself, you do not have the rights arising from defective performance.
  • A defect in the Goods is not wear and tear of the Goods caused by their usual use or, in the case of used Goods, wear and tear corresponding to the extent of their previous use.
  • When you make a claim, we will issue you a written confirmation stating:
    1. the date on which you made the claim;
    2. what is the content of the complaint;
    3. what method of handling the complaint you require;
    4. Your contact details for the purpose of providing information on how to handle the complaint.
  • If we do not agree on a longer period, we will remove the defects within 30 days of receipt of the complaint and provide you with information about the settlement of the complaint to the contact details provided. If this period expires in vain, you may withdraw from the Contract or request a reasonable discount.
  • We will inform you by e-mail about the settlement of the complaint and we will issue you a confirmation of the date and method of handling the complaint. If the complaint is justified, you are entitled to reimbursement of the costs reasonably incurred. You are required to prove these costs, e.g. with receipts or shipping price confirmations. In the event that the defect has been remedied by the delivery of new Goods, You are obliged to return the original Goods to Us, but the cost of such return shall be borne by Us.
  • If you are an entrepreneur, it is your duty to report and complain about the defect without undue delay after you could have discovered it, but no later than three days after receipt of the Goods.
  • If you are a consumer, you have the right to exercise your rights arising from defective performance in respect of defects that occur in consumer Goods within 24 months of receipt of the Goods.
    • Withdrawal from the Contract, i.e. termination of the contractual relationship between Us and You from its inception, may occur for the reasons and methods specified in this article, or in other provisions of the Terms and Conditions in which the possibility of withdrawal is expressly stated.
    • If you are a consumer, i.e. a person purchasing Goods outside the scope of your business activities, you have the right to withdraw from the Contract without giving a reason within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the Contract, or if it is a purchase of goods, then within fourteen days from the receipt of the Agreement. In the event that we have entered into a Contract the subject of which is several pieces of Goods or the delivery of several parts of Goods, this period begins to run only on the day of delivery of the last piece or part of the Goods, and in the event that we have entered into a Contract on the basis of which we will deliver the Goods to you regularly and repeatedly, it begins on the day of delivery of the first delivery.
    • You may withdraw from the Agreement in any demonstrable manner (in particular by sending an e-mail or letter to Our addresses provided in Our identification data). To withdraw from the Terms, you can also use the model form provided by Us, which forms Annex No. 2 to the Terms and Conditions.
    • However , even as a consumer, you cannot withdraw from the Contract in cases where the subject of the Contract is the performance specified in Section 1837 of the Civil Code.
    • Withdrawal period pursuant to Art. 2 The Terms shall be deemed to have been complied with if, during the course of the Agreement, You send Us notice that You are withdrawing from the Agreement.
    • In the event of withdrawal from the Contract pursuant to Art. 2 Under the Terms and Conditions, You are obliged to send the Goods to Us within 14 days of the withdrawal and You bear the costs associated with returning the Goods to Us. You, on the other hand, are entitled to a refund of the Shipping Price, but only in the amount corresponding to the cheapest method of delivery of the Goods offered by Us for the delivery of the Goods. In the event of withdrawal due to Our breach of the Contract, We also cover the costs associated with the return of the Goods to Us, but again only up to the amount of the Shipping Price in the amount corresponding to the cheapest method of delivery of the Goods offered, which We offered during the delivery of the Goods.
    • In the event of withdrawal from the Contract, the Price will be returned to you within 14 days from the effective date of the withdrawal to the account from which it was credited, or to the account selected to withdraw from the Contract. However, the amount will not be refunded until We have received the Goods or You have proved to Us that they were sent back to Us. Please return the Goods to Us clean, including the original packaging if possible.
    • In the event of withdrawal from the Contract pursuant to Art. 2 However, You are liable to Us for any reduction in the value of the Goods that has arisen as a result of handling the Goods in a way that is not necessary for You to become familiar with the nature, characteristics and functionality of the Goods, i.e. in the way you would get acquainted with the Goods in a brick-and-mortar store. In the event that we have not yet returned the Price to you, we are entitled to offset the receivable due to costs against your claim for the refund of the Price.
    • We are entitled to withdraw from the Contract at any time before we deliver the Goods to you if there are objective reasons why it is not possible to deliver the Goods (in particular reasons on the part of third parties or reasons based on the nature of the Goods), even before the expiry of the period specified in Art. 1 Conditions. We may also withdraw from the Agreement if it is obvious that you have provided intentionally incorrect information in the Order. If you purchase goods as part of your business activities, i.e. as an entrepreneur, we are entitled to withdraw from the Contract at any time, even without giving a reason.
    • We are not bound by any codes of conduct within the meaning of Section 1826(1)(e) of the Code of Conduct in relation to Buyers Civil Code.
    • We handle consumer complaints via the electronic address We will send information about the settlement of the complaint to the buyer's e-mail address.
    • The Czech Trade Inspection Authority, with its registered office at Štěpánská 796/44, 110 00 Prague 1, Company ID No.: 000 20 869, Internet address:, is competent to settle consumer disputes arising from the Contract. The Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform at can be used to resolve disputes between the seller and the buyer, who is a consumer, arising from a purchase contract concluded by electronic means.
    • The European Consumer Centre Czech Republic, with its registered office at Štěpánská 796/44, 110 00 Prague 1, internet address: is a contact point pursuant to Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No. 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes).
    • If our legal relationship with yours and ours contains an international element (i.e. for example, we will ship goods outside the territory of the Czech Republic), the relationship will always be governed by the law of the Czech Republic. However, if you are a consumer, this agreement does not affect your rights under the law.
    • All written correspondence with you will be delivered by e-mail. Our e-mail address is listed next to Our Identification Information. We will deliver correspondence to your e-mail address specified in the Agreement, in your User Account or through which you have contacted us.
    • The contract can only be changed on the basis of our written agreement. However, we are entitled to change and amend these Terms and Conditions, but this change will not affect already concluded Contracts, but only Contracts that will be concluded after the effective date of this change. However, we will only inform you about the change if you have created a User Account (so that you have this information if you order new Goods, but the change does not give rise to the right of termination, as we do not have a Contract that could be terminated), or if we are to deliver the Goods to you regularly and repeatedly on the basis of the Contract. We will send you information about the change to your e-mail address at least 14 days before the change takes effect. If we do not receive a notice of termination of the concluded Contract for regular and repeated deliveries of Goods from you within 14 days of sending the information about the change, the new terms and conditions become part of our Contract and will apply to the next delivery of the Goods following the effective date of the change. The notice period if you give notice is 2 months.
    • In the event of force majeure or events that cannot be foreseen (natural disaster, pandemic, operational failures, outages of subcontractors, etc.), we are not liable for damage caused as a result of or in connection with force majeure events, and if the force majeure situation lasts for more than 10 days, We and You have the right to withdraw from the Contract.
    • An annex to the Terms and Conditions includes a model form for a complaint and a model form for withdrawal from the Contract.
    • The Contract, including the Terms and Conditions, is archived in electronic form by Us, but is not accessible to You. However, You will always receive these Terms and Conditions and the Order confirmation with a summary of the Order by e-mail and You will therefore always have access to the Contract even without Our cooperation. We recommend that you always confirm your Order and save the Terms and Conditions.
    • These Terms and Conditions come into effect on 19.2.2024.




Addressee:            OneCrown s.r.o, Nádražní 183, 41002 Chotěšov - ID: 19337949.

Making a Claim

Date of conclusion of the Contract:


Name and surname:




E-mail address:


Goods that are being claimed:


Description of defects in the Goods:


Suggested method for handling the claim:


At the same time, I request the issuance of a confirmation of the complaint with an indication of when I exercised this right, what is the content of the complaint, what method of handling the complaint I require, along with my contact details for the purpose of providing information about the settlement of the complaint.





Addressee:            OneCrown s.r.o, Nádražní 183, 41002 Chotěšov - ID: 19337949.

I hereby declare that I withdraw from the Treaty:

Date of conclusion of the Contract:


Name and surname:




E-mail address:


Specification of the Goods to which the Contract relates:


Method for returning the received funds, or providing a bank account number:



If the buyer is a consumer, he has the right to order goods through the e-shop of OneCrown s.r.o. (the "Company") or any other means of distance communication, except in the cases specified in Section 1837 of the Act. No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, to withdraw from an already concluded purchase contract within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract, or if it is a purchase of goods, then within fourteen days from its receipt. In the case of a contract which has as its object several pieces of goods or the supply of several parts of goods, that period does not begin to run until the date of delivery of the last piece or part of the goods and, in the case of a contract under which the goods are to be delivered on a regular and recurring basis, from the date of delivery of the first delivery.

This withdrawal shall be notified by the buyer of the Company in writing to the address of the Company's establishment or electronically to the e-mail address provided on the model form.

If the buyer, who is a consumer, withdraws from the purchase contract, he shall send or hand over to the Company without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the withdrawal from the purchase contract, the goods received from the Company.

If the buyer, who is a consumer, withdraws from the purchase contract, the Company shall return to the buyer without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the withdrawal from the purchase contract, all funds (purchase price of the delivered goods), including the costs of delivery, which it received from him on the basis of the purchase contract, in the same manner. If the buyer has chosen a different method of delivery of the goods than the cheapest one offered by the Company, the Company will refund to the buyer the cost of delivery of the goods only in the amount corresponding to the cheapest method of delivery of the goods offered. The Company is not obliged to return the received funds to the buyer before the goods are returned or before the buyer proves that he has dispatched the goods to the Company.





Before posting the terms and conditions on your e-shop, customize them according to your needs, as these terms are only sample and universal.

Beware of specific provisions and exceptions for certain types of goods and services (in particular the provision of digital content). Some goods or services are subject to special legislation that imposes additional requirements on their sale. These specifics are not taken into account in our template.


Also, pay attention to some mandatory information, e.g. if you require a deposit, adjust prices according to profiling, are an online marketplace, etc. By not providing some information, you could be committing an unfair business practice.

These sample GTC are mainly for e-shops that sell goods primarily to consumers. If you sell mainly to entrepreneurs, you can adjust a number of provisions in your favour (e.g. rights from defects, withdrawal, etc.) after consulting your legal representative.


If you are self-employed, please provide the relevant information, i.e. name and surname, registered office, ID number. Always enter your e-mail address and phone number with regard to legislative requirements. [Sa2]





Rewrite according to the exact wording of your button. It must always be clear that the consumer will have an obligation to pay.




If you don't allow the account, delete this section. If only registered users are allowed to shop with you, you will have to make a more extensive adjustment of the terms and conditions tailored to your needs.




If you want a deposit from the customer, you must add this information. That is, under what conditions and in what amount it will be requested.

If you sell goods in returnable deposit packaging, you are again obliged to inform the consumer about it. And this can also be done through these conditions.






If you do not specify the amount of the fee, the usual amount will be applied.



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